Wellbeing Esthetics
Spider Vein Sclerotherapy
Non-invasive Skin and Cellulite Treatments
Cosmetic and therapeutic botox injections are available.  Therapeutic botox is covered by most insurances.
Concentrated salt solutions are injected into the smallest veins in the lower legs to destroy unwanted spider veins.  The procedure is a safe, effective ways to restore youthful looking skin.
The studio offers a large menu of massage services by highly qualified therapists.  Clients may design their own massage or select from a list of carefully designed protocols.
The studio offers parafango, manual massage and other well accepted skin treatments to smooth the appearance of cellulite.
Paraffin/ Soyaffin
Your hands and feet are gloved in specially prepared paraffin or soyaffin mitts that effectively drive therapeutic serums into your skin where they can make effective changes.  Hydrate, nourish, and draw out impurities, making skin softer, smoother and healthier.  The heat and moisture promote circulation of blood and lymph promoting soothing analgesia.